Sport is full of tradition, some of which are known the world over, and others locally or individually. These range from ‘The Haka’ to the number of practice swings a golfer takes before striking the ball.
The same can be said for sponsorship; clubs and athletes continually trying to present the same opportunities to potential partners year in, year out. Regardless of the sport, the branding of their facilities and apparel is seen as the main route to gaining the core revenue required for the year. However, without an injection of new ideas or ways to create value, the standard pitch-side advertising starts to lose its appeal.
Special Events
There are lots of opportunities missed, leaving £000s in potential sponsorship revenue untapped. The most obvious of these are the one-off special events that are held during the season. From the kids’ summer camp to the end of season awards, these are some of the key dates that attract larger audiences. It may offer you the opportunity to revisit those potential partners who did not want to commit for a full year.
Sponsor Connect has put together a top 10 list of secondary sponsorship opportunities:
- Annual End of Season Tournament
- Summer Camps
- Youth Sports Festival
- End of Season Awards
- Tour (both going on and hosting)
- Golf Day
- End of Season Review Newsletter
- Quiz Nights
- Team Battle Event
- One-Off Merchandise
Sponsor Connect is committed to providing you with the tools to optimise your sponsorship potential by providing a continual stream of new ideas that are proven to work across the world of sport.